The traps - or Trapezius, is the flat triangular muscle that extends out and down from the neck and down the center of the back between the shoulder blades - looking at a back double biceps pose, it's the centerpiece of the upper back/shoulder area.
It's almost always trained with the shoulders (or, deltoids) but can be trained with back and really is, functionally speaking, part of the back.
There are only a limited number of exercises that work the traps:
* The Shrug (barbell/dumbbells)
* The Upright Row
To perform the standard barbell/dumbbells shrugs, raise your shoulders as high as you can, like a "shrugging" motion, trying to touch your ears.
Hold for a moment, flex the traps hard, lower slowly and repeat.
Upright Rows hits the front and side delts as well as the traps. A wide grip makes it hit the delts more. To perform this exercise, stand and hold a barbell at thigh level with an overhand grip - hands about 8 inches apart. Let the bar hang down in front of you.
Lift it straight up along your body - close to it, not touching it, until the bar just hits chin height. Lower slowly and repeat.
Keep the elbows up, they should be higher than the bar throughout the movement.
Shoulder Workout Tips
The shoulders are the most widely used muscle in the upper body in my opinion. They function in almost every action that comes your way. The shoulders have almost 360 degrees of rotation
Yes, shoulders are a very important muscle but why is it that so many people can't seem to develop a thick well balanced set of shoulders? Keep reading and we will figure out the answer to that question in time.
Shoulders have 3 components :
Anterior Head:
o Function: Flexion, Medial Rotation
o Location: Front portion of the shoulder girdle
o Exercise: Barbell Shoulder Press
Middle Head:
o Function: Abduction
o Location: Middle/Side of the shoulder
o Exercise: Dumbbell Side Laterals
Posterior Head:
o Function: Extension, Lateral Rotation
o Location: Back of the shoulder
o Exercise: Bent Over Dumbbell Rear Delt Raise With Head On Bench
What you can see from the anatomy information above is the shoulder is really made up of 3 different small muscle groups. Many beginners treat the shoulder as one muscle group, and train it like the chest; presses, presses and more presses.
All exercises should be performed in perfect form because bad form or habits that you start now will follow you and will lead to lack of progress or worst off injury in the future.
Shoulder Bodybuilding Workout Program :
Workout 1.
1.Barbell Shoulder Press: 3 sets of 4-6 reps
2.One Arm Side Laterals: 3 sets of 12 reps
3.Front Plate/Dumbbells Raise: 3 sets of 12 reps (3 second hold at top)
4.Lying Rear Delt Raises: 3 sets of 15 reps
Workout 2.
5.Seated Side Laterals: 3 sets of 8-12 reps (same as 8 but seated)
6.Push Press: 3 sets of 4-6 reps
7.Reverse Flyes: 3 sets of 12 reps
8.Side Lateral Raise: 3 sets of 15 reps
Workout 3.
9.Seated Bent Over Rear Delt Raise: 3 sets of 8-12 reps
10.Dumbbell Shoulder Press: 3 sets of 4-6 reps
11.Standing Low Pulley Deltoid Raise: 3 sets of 8-12 reps
12.Barbell Rear Delt Rows: 3 sets of 12 reps
Biceps Workout Tips
The bicep is made out of 2 parts :
1. Biceps Brachii
2. Brachialis
Whenever anybody mentions a 'pump' in a bodybuilding context, I always think of my biceps. But what are the most effective ways of getting this pump?
And more to the point, does getting a pump actually mean that you've trained them properly?
It happened many times that i felt no pump in the biceps but i actually got a better muscle growth.
Usually the best way to train your biceps is to use the classic exercises :
1. Barbell Curls
2. Dumbbell Curls
3. Incline Curls
4. Dumbbell Concentration Curls
5. Preacher Curls
Back Workout Tips
If you are one of those people who only like to work out your "Show Muscles" (chest, arms, abs, and some shoulders) then move on, but if you are looking to have a thick, dense and well balanced upper body then stick around. Today we are going to discuss how to turn your Back into wide thick wings of muscle.
Here are some pointers to help back training:
- Use a thumb press grip, where you use an over hand grip with your 4 fingers around the bar and press your thumbs on the bar. This will lead into the next pointer.
- Use enough pressure on the bar to hold, but don't squeeze too hard on the bar or you will engage the forearms and biceps too much. The thumb press will help with this.
- Holding onto the bar or weight, drive you elbows as far back as possible trying to pinch your shoulder blades together.
- Feel you muscle contract and leave your ego at the door. Too many beginners use way to much weight and never feel the muscle working.
- Your back should be straight and your chest out.
All exercises should be performed in perfect form because bad form or habits that you start now will follow you and will lead to lack of progress or worst off injury in the future.
Full Back Workout exercises :
1. Chin Ups
2. Close Grip Chin Ups
3. Cable Pulls
4. Single Arm Row
5. Barbell Row
6. Barbell Deadlifts (for erector spinae)
7. Dumbbell/Barbell Shrugs (for traps - i usually work my traps with shoulders)
Triceps Workout Tips
Many people underestimate the importance of well developed triceps in the physique of a bodybuilder. When in fact the tricep makes up just more than ¾’s of the upper arm. There’s nothing more effective for making the upper arm seem massive and powerful than well developed triceps.
Triceps consist of three parts :
A- Long Head
B- Side Head
C- Middle Head
Best Triceps exercises :
1. Overhead Triceps Extension (with bar or a dumbbell )
2. Close Grip Bench Press
3. Lying Overhead Triceps Extensions (with bar or dumbbells)
4. Dips (i always start with this exercise)
5. One Arm Overhead Dumbbell Triceps Extension
6. Triceps Kick Backs
7. Two arm seated dumbbell extensions (my 2nd favorite exercise)
8. Tricep Cable Pressdown
Triceps consist of three parts :
A- Long Head
B- Side Head
C- Middle Head
Best Triceps exercises :
1. Overhead Triceps Extension (with bar or a dumbbell )
2. Close Grip Bench Press
3. Lying Overhead Triceps Extensions (with bar or dumbbells)
4. Dips (i always start with this exercise)
5. One Arm Overhead Dumbbell Triceps Extension
6. Triceps Kick Backs
7. Two arm seated dumbbell extensions (my 2nd favorite exercise)
8. Tricep Cable Pressdown
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