카테고리 없음2017. 4. 9. 22:08

루시드 드림(영화)

최근 수정 시각: 

루시드 드림 (2017) 
Lucid Dream
















촬영 기간

2015년 4월 6일 ~ 2015년 6월 29일


2017년 2월 22일

상영 시간


총 관객수

101,519명(3월 5일 기준)


15세 이상 관람가

1. 개요2. 시놉시스3. 출연4. 예고편5. 평가
5.1. 총평
6. 흥행7. 기타

1. 개요[편집]

3년 전 아들을 잃어버린 한 남자가 '루시드 드림'을 통해 단서를 발견하게 되면서 꿈과 현실을 넘나드는 이야기.

2. 시놉시스[편집]

오직 꿈 속에 있다!

대기업 비리 전문 기자 대호(고수)는 3년 전 계획적으로 납치된 아들을 찾기 위해 '루시드 드림’을 이용,
과거의 기억으로 가 범인의 단서를 추적한다.
오른팔에 문신을 한 남자, 사진을 찍던 수상한 남자, 꿈마다 등장하는 의문의 인물까지!
베테랑 형사 방섭(설경구)과 친구인 정신과 의사 소현(강혜정)의 도움으로
마침내 대호는 모든 단서가 지목하는 한 남자를 마주하게 되는데...

3. 출연[편집]

4. 예고편[편집]

▲ 본 예고편

5. 평가[편집]

네이버 전문가 평점에서 박평식이 4점을 줬다.[2] 이게 가장 최고점이다. 네이버 네티즌평은 6점대, 관객평은 8점대. 다만 네이버 네티즌평은 개봉 전부터 박유천설경구 때문에 영화도 안 보고 평점테러를 한 경우가 많으니 참고하자. 관람객 평에 1점 찍은 인간들한테 속지 말라고 써있는 것도 있다 다음 평가는 8점대를 기록하고 있다.

자다가 남의 다리 긁는 꼴
씨네21 | 박평식 4점

꿈조차 민망해할 이야기
씨네21 | 이용철 3점

제발 꿈이었으면 그냥 너의 장난이었으면
씨네21 | 허남웅 2점

장침으로 시작해 권총으로 끝맺다
무비스트 | 김수진 6점

진짜 꿈과 현실을 넘나드는 긴박한 액션 스릴러
무비스트 | 박은영 6점

악몽과도 같았던 101분의 자각몽.
무비스트 | 서정환 3점

무비라이징 | 최재필 5점

소재가 가져다주는 재미와 철저히 추적극 형식으로 진행되는 전개와 그에 기초가 된 편집 덕분에 오락적으로 재미있게 볼 수 있다. '인셉션' 만큼은 아니지만, 꿈속 세계에 대한 영화만의 설정도 나쁘지 않다. 다만 잘못된 편집과 일부 부자연스러운 전개로 이야기 개연성에 구멍을 낸 부분이 너무 적나라하다. 충분히 재미있고 광범위하게 전개 될 수 있는 이야기이지만, 현실적인 장면과 설정을 오가며 추리와 액션을 연이어 전개 시키는 대목도 산만하게 느껴진다. 열심히 뛰며 영화적 흥미를 높여주는 고수와 설경구의 열연이 볼만하다.

인셉션을 기대하면 안 된다. 소재만 같을 뿐 SF 장르의 액션 스릴러라고 보면 된다. 휴머니즘 요소도 있다. 인셉션의 1/50 밖에 안 되는 제작비로 꽤 뛰어난 CG를 구현해냈다는 점. 디 워는 대체 그 제작비로 뭘 한 건가 싶을 정도

2월 23일에 네이버의 네티즌평은 6.57, 관객평은 8.27로 상승했다.

5.1. 총평[편집]

좋은 소재로 영화를 망쳐 배우들의 연기가 빛을 바랬다.

이 영화를 만든 김준성 감독은 혹독한 신고식을 치른 셈이다. 그리고, 루시드 드림이라는 소재가 무엇인지 다시금 고민해봐야 한다. 오죽하면 평에 "내가 아는 그 루시드 드림이 아니여서 실망했다."는 평도 있을 정도. 고급 레스토랑에서나 나올 법한 고급 요리재료를 가지고, 참치마요 삼각김밥을 만들어버렸다고 하면 이해가 되려나(...)

예고편의 문제도 있다. 이 영화가 가지고 있는 특징인 CG를 너무 적나라하게 보여줬다. SF액션스릴러에서 액션이라는 장르는 찾아볼 수도 없었던 예고편이였던 데다, 예고편도 혹평이 많았다. 액션신을 조금 넣는 등으로 예고편에 신경을 좀 더 썼더라면, 분명히 지금 보다 성적은 더 나았을 수도 있었을 것이다.

예고편부터 '보고 싶게 만들 정도로 흥미를 유발하고 재밌는 영화'는 알아서 관객들이 찾지만, <루시드 드림>은 그런 점이 없었다.

6. 흥행[편집]

6.1. 대한민국[편집]

대한민국 누적 관객수



관람 인원

합계 인원


일일 매출액

합계 매출액

개봉 전







2017-02-22. 1일차(수)






2017-02-23. 2일차(목)




2017-02-24. 3일차(금)




2017-02-25. 4일차(토)




2017-02-26. 5일차(일)




2017-02-27. 6일차(월)




2017-02-28. 7일차(화)





2017-03-01. 8일차(수)






2017-03-02. 9일차(목)




2017-03-03. 10일차(금)




2017-03-04. 11일차(토)




2017-03-05. 12일차(일)




2017-03-06. 13일차(월)




2017-03-07. 14일차(화)





누적관객수 101,519명, 누적매출액 754,797,000원[3]


스크린 수

스크린 점유율


상영 점유율



좌석 점유율

























2월 22일 박스오피스 7위라는 상당히 저조한 성적을 기록하며 불안한 출발을 하였고, 23일에는 2단계 낮은 9위로 떨어졌으며, 25일에는 10위까지 떨어졌고 첫주 관객수가 10만명도 못나오는 절망적인 흥행이 나오면서 현재의 성적으로 보자면, 손익분기점인 180만 명은 물론이고, 100만 명도 고사하고, 20만명도 어려울 전망이다. 같은 날 개봉한 핵소 고지도 비슷한 양상.

스크린 점유율과 상영 점유율, 매출액 점유율이 10%를 채 넘기지 못 하고, 좌석 점유율은 이틀 만에 5%대로 반토막이 났다. 지역별 점유율로 가면 더 안습인데, 특히 전라남도제주특별자치도에서는 점유율과 관객 점유율이 1%를 기록하며 각각 600명대, 500명대를 기록하며, 고전을 면치 못 하고 있는데, 이 건 스크린 수가 적다고 하기엔 울산광역시(7), 광주광역시(14)의 경우는 스크린 수가 전라남도{16), 제주특별자치도(6) 만큼이나 적음에도 불구하고, 1,200명대와 2,500명대를 기록하고 있다는 점이..

결국 2주차에 접어들면서 스크린을 사실상 거의 다 뺏겨서 2주차 첫날 536명의 관객수를 기록하며 그대로 종영 단계에 접어들었다. 15만도 못 넘을 듯.

7. 기타[편집]

  • 이름 그대로 루시드 드림을 소재로 삼은 영화다.

  • 본래 이 영화는 2015년 말 개봉을 앞두었다가 후반작업을 이유로 2016년 중하반기로 다시 개봉을 미뤘었다. 내용상 CG가 많이 들어가 긴 후반작업이 필수적이었던 듯. 결국 2017년 2월 드디어 개봉한다. 2017년까지 미뤄지게 된 이유는 중요 캐릭터 중 하나인 박유천의 사고로 인하여가 아닌가 하는 논란이 있는데, 일단 감독은 후반작업때문이라고 해명하며 이를 부정하였다. 그의 분량도 삭제 없이 그대로 나올 것이라고 한다.#

  • 고수가 이 영화 촬영 중 18kg를 찌웠다가 10kg를 감량했다고 한다. 아주아주 힘들었다고.# 그리고 D자형 몸매도 만들어서 근육이 없어지기도 했다 처음 시나리오를 받아보고 나서 부성애를 너무도 자극하는 것에 끌려 주저 없이 선택했다고 한다.

  • 저예산 상업영화다. SF 장르 중에서는 꽤나 저예산인 40억원의 순수제작비가 들었다. 손익분기점은 170만 명. 참고로, 같은 루시드 드림을 소재로 한 인셉션은 2500억원이 들었고, 국내 SF 영화였던 디 워는 1500억원이 들었다.

  • 강혜정은 데뷔 이래 최초로 쇼커트머리를 시도한 작품이다.

  • 넷플릭스가 사전에 이 영화에 글로벌 판권을 구매하여, 전세계 배급을 결정한 작품이다. 한국영화로선 판도라에 이어, 두 번째.

[1] 특별출연이다.[2] 다음에선 6점을 준 전문가들도 있다.[3] ~ 2017/03/05 기준

Posted by 신의물방울
카테고리 없음2017. 4. 9. 22:07

조작된 도시

최근 수정 시각: 

조작된 도시 (2017)
Fabricated City





김현철, 장영환








TPS 컴퍼니


CJ 엔터테인먼트

촬영 기간

2015년 7월 1일 ~ 2015년 12월 29일


2017년 2월 9일

상영 시간


대한민국 총 관객수

2,512,930명(3월 21일 기준)


15세 이상 관람가

1. 개요2. 출연진
2.1. 팀 레쥬렉션2.2. 그 외 인물들
3. 줄거리4. 예고편5. 개봉 전 행보6. 평가7. 흥행8. 기타
8.1예고편에 관해서8.2. 게임 고증과 클랜 이름에 관한 추측8.3. 영화 내에 등장하는 차량

1. 개요[편집]

웰컴 투 동막골을 만든 박광현 감독의 작품으로, 12년만의 장편 연출 복귀작이다. 배우 지창욱 의 스크린 단독 주연 데뷔작으로 유명한데, 심은경과 안재홍 등 연기 잘하는 젊은 배우만 모아놨다는 평이 많다.

1차 예고편이 풀린 현재 유튜브 및 TV캐스트 댓글 반응은 호의적이다. 스크린에서 자주 얼굴을 비춘 심은경과 안재홍의 검증된 연기 실력과 더불어 영화판에서는 신인인 지창욱의 이전 드라마 행보를 보았을 때 기대된다는 반응이 많은 편.

그러나 일각에서는 스크린에서 아직 검증되지 않은 신인일 뿐이다 라는 주장과 세 주연의 연결고리가 너무 극적이다 라는 소수의견이 있다. 하지만 아직 영화가 개봉되지 않은 상태에서의 주장이니 자세한 판단은 개봉 후 알아서 하시길.

촬영은 2년전부터 시작됐을 만큼 꽤 오래됐지만 어떠한 이유로 개봉이 몇 번 늦춰졌다.[1] 제작발표회에서 밝혀졌다. 박광현 감독이 촬영 종료 시점부터 편집을 무려1년 동안 했다고 한다.[2] 그만큼 편집 퀄리티가 기대되는 작품.

2. 출연진[편집]

2.1. 팀 레쥬렉션[3][편집]


  • 지창욱 - 권유 역 / 게임 닉네임 : 권대장

게임 세계 속에서는 완벽한 리더지만 현실에서는 평범한 백수인 ‘권유’(지창욱).

한때는 태권도 국가대표선수로도 활약했지만, 지금은 PC방을 전전하며 하루하루 잉여나 다름없는 삶을 사는 백수청년일 뿐이다. 평소와 다름없이 PC방에서 게임[6]을 하던 중 분실된 휴대폰을 발견하고, 휴대폰 주인인 여자에게서 휴대폰을 가져다주면 사례금을 주겠다는 제의를 받고 휴대폰을 전해준다. 하지만 권유는 다음날 집에서 늦잠을 자던 중에 휴대폰 주인을 강간하고 잔인하게 살해한 범인으로 체포된다. 놀랍게도 자신이 한 번도 본 적도 쓴 적도 없는 피 묻은 칼이 집에서 발견되고, 그 칼에는 권유의 지문까지 묻어있어 꼼짝없이 범인으로 몰린다. 심지어 사건의 피해자인 여성은 고등학생이라 뉴스에서도 미성년자 강간 살해 혐의로 얼굴이 다 팔린 채 보도되기에 이른다.[7] 권유가 아무리 억울함을 호소해도 범인이라는 증거가 너무나 완벽해서, 법정에서도 세상에서도 잔인한데다가 뻔뻔하기까지 한 놈으로 취급받는다. 결국 무기징역을 선고받고 감옥에 갇혀 흉악범 패거리에게 온갖 험한 일을 겪게 된다. 그래도 어머니의 노력하는 모습에[8] 뭔가 느낀 바가 있었는지, 이후에는 살아가는 희망을 가지고 교도소 생활에 조금씩 적응해 나가기 시작한다. 그러나 얼마 안 가 어머니가 자살했다는 청천벽력같은 소식을 듣고, 이를 확인하기 위해 일부러 자해를 해서 탈옥,[9] 평소 같이 게임을 즐기던 팀원들의 도움을 받으며 누명을 벗기 위해 분투하는데, 사건은 예상치 못한 방향으로 흐르게 된다.

  • 심은경 - 여울 역 / 게임.닉네임 : 털보

권유의 게임 멤버이며. 현실에서는 히키코모리에 천재인 해커 ‘여울’(심은경)

권유에게 가장 큰 도움을 주는 해커다. 여울은 권유가 누명을 쓰게 된 것이 겨우 3분 16초 동안 누군가에 의해 완벽하게 조작되었음을 알게 된다. 이후 권유의 누명을 벗기기 위해 게임 멤버들과의 모임을 주선해서 애쓰게 된다.참고로 귀엽다 ???? 그에 비해 욕을 매우 찰지게 한다.

권유의 또 다른 게임 멤버이자 특수효과 전문가인 '데몰리션'(안재홍)

게임에서는 저격수지만 현실에서는 저격 타이밍을 잘 못 맞추는 허당으로 예고편에 등장한다. 현재로써는 권유와 함께 현실에 모습을 드러내는 유일한 게임 멤버.였으나 이후 다양한 게임 멤버들이 출연하였다. 데몰리션의 도움으로 어떻게 사건을 풀어 나갈지가 궁금해진다.

권유의 게임 멤버이면서, 현실에서는 용산 AS계의 전설이었으나 용산의 몰락과 동시에 일자리를 잃고 백수가 된 처지. 각종 하드웨어 관련 지식과 경험을 살려 권유를 돕는다.그런데 실력을 보면 왜 백수인지 모르겠다..

권유의 게임 멤버. 지방대학교 건축학과 교수라고 알려져 있으나 확인된 바는 없다.

게임을 같이 플레이하는 커플 중 여성이자, 인터넷 성인 방송계의 큰손이다. 영화 막바지에야 실제 모습을 드러낸다.

  • 심원철 - 엄폐 역

게임 멤버이자 은폐와 커플. 야동계의 전설이다. 은폐와 함께 영화 막바지에 등장한다.

2.2. 그 외 인물들[편집]

권유가 체포되어 재판을 받을 당시 변호를 도왔던 국선 변호사.[스포일러1][12]왼쪽 눈가 주변에 큼지막한 반점이 있다. 이게 컴플렉스인지 처음 나올 때 보면 얼굴을 왼쪽으로 돌려서 나왔다. 하는 지거리가 아니꼬왔는데 결국엔...

민천상 변호사 사무실의 사무장.[스포일러2]

권유가 수감된 1급 흉악범 교도소의 실세이자 마약, 인신매매 등 각종 흉악범죄를 저지른 조직의 두목이다. 포지션은 이 영화의 중간 보스 정도.[스포일러3.] 사용하는 총기는 베레타 93R. 하지만 정작 총으로 명중은 못한다(...). [15] 이유는 군대를 안갔다왔기 때문. 작중에서는 악역이지만 최종보스의 인물이 마덕수의 출소를 조건으로 내건데다가 서로의 이해관계가 잠시 맞아떨어졌을뿐 인물 자체는 중립적인 인물이다.[16]

  • 남편 역: 칼리드 일라이자 타피아(Kahlid Elijah Tapia, 미국), 아내 역: 아피아 아계망(Afia Agyemang, 가나) - 흑인 부부 역

한국에 살고 있는 흑인 부부이다. 중국여행을 위해 단돈 20만원에 구입한 매우 낡은 경차[17]로 청주공항으로 가던 중 결국 고장이 나 길가에 서버린 것으로 권유와 처음 만나게 된다. 아무도 이들을 도와주지 않고 지나쳐버릴 때 권유가 도와주자[18] 흑인 부부는 검문에서 같이 차에 타고 있던 권유를 숨겨준 후[19] 공항에서도 차 구입비가 20만원 이었는데 폐차비가 40만원이 든다는 너스레를 떨며 차키를 넘겨주는 도움을 준다. 이 차 덕을 톡톡히 본 권유 일행은 사건 종료 후 다시 한국에 돌아온 부부에게 새 것처럼 정비해서 돌려준다. 그런데 문짝이 떨어진 차였는데...사준 게 아닌가

3. 줄거리[편집]

일단 문서나 분류 할테니 추가바람 항목 참조

4. 예고편[편집]

티저 예고편

메인 예고편

5. 개봉 전 행보[편집]

2017년 1월 말 최초 시사회 및 기자간담회 이후로 전국 등지에서 시사회를 진행하였다.

2017년 2월 7일 (개봉 2일 전)
시사회를 진행하였다.

2017년 2월 8일 (개봉 1일 전)
CJ 및 제휴사 온라인 이벤트를 통해 당첨된 모든 관람객이 시사회 참석. 영등포 CGV에서 열렸으며, 개봉 전이기 때문에 아직 누적관객수에는 집계되지 않았으나, 관람객이 각 관당 약 150~200명, 총 8개의 관으로 당일 시사회장이 붐볐다. 배우 참석 일정이 없었으나 박광현 감독과 권유 역 지창욱 배우가 출연하였다.

6. 평가[편집]

평론가들의 평이 평균 4.6(2월 9일 기준)으로 영 좋지 않다...(네이버 영화기준) 네이버 영화에서는 괜찮다는 평과 이에 반발해 쓰레기 영화로 비하하는 평이 대립 중. 

영화 자체는 현실성은 다소 떨어진다는 평이 있다. 후술할 마티즈의 3층 낙하씬, 일개 변호사가 국가원수급 권력을 휘두르는 것 등. 이와 별개로 스토리나 개연성이 잘 맞춰져 있냐 아니냐에 대해서는 일부 관객은 한국 영화치고는 나쁘진 않은 밀도높은 액션씬, 적당한 코믹적 요소, 미국영화 엑스멘 시리즈나 매트릭스를 패러디한 CG 장면에 재미를 느끼는 듯.

7. 흥행[편집]

7.1. 대한민국[편집]

대한민국 박스오피스 1위 영화

2017년 5주차

2017년 6주차

2017년 7주차


조작된 도시


영화진흥위원회 통합전산망 주말 박스오피스 집계 기준

대한민국 누적 관객수



관람 인원

합계 인원


일일 매출액

합계 매출액

개봉 전







2017-02-09. 1일차(목)






2017-02-10. 2일차(금)




2017-02-11. 3일차(토)




2017-02-12. 4일차(일)




2017-02-13. 5일차(월)




2017-02-14. 6일차(화)




2017-02-15. 7일차(수)





2017-02-16. 8일차(목)






2017-02-17. 9일차(금)




2017-02-18. 10일차(토)




2017-02-19. 11일차(일)




2017-02-20. 12일차(월)




2017-02-21. 13일차(화)




2017-02-22. 14일차(수)





2017-02-23. 15일차(목)






2017-02-24. 16일차(금)




2017-02-25. 17일차(토)




2017-02-26. 18일차(일)




2017-02-27. 19일차(월)




2017-02-28. 20일차(화)




2017-03-01. 21일차(수)





2017-03-02. 22일차(목)






2017-03-03. 23일차(금)




2017-03-04. 24일차(토)




2017-03-05. 25일차(일)




2017-03-06. 26일차(월)




2017-03-07. 27일차(화)




2017-03-08. 28일차(수)





2017-03-09. 29일차(목)






2017-03-10. 30일차(금)




2017-03-11. 31일차(토)




2017-03-12. 32일차(일)




2017-03-13. 33일차(월)




2017-03-14. 34일차(화)




2017-03-15. 35일차(수)





2017-03-16. 36일차(목)






2017-03-17. 37일차(금)




2017-03-18. 38일차(토)




2017-03-19. 39일차(일)




2017-03-20. 40일차(월)




2017-03-21. 41일차(화)




2017-03-22. 42일차(수)





누적관객수 2,501,928명, 누적매출액 20,048,563,787원[20]

1위로 출발했다. 개봉 4일만에 100만명을 돌파했다. 하지만 《재심》이 개봉하자마자 바로 2위로 내려앉아서 흑자를 볼 가능성이 매우 낮다는 것이 문제. 아쉽게 250만을 끝으로 막을 내렸다. 손익분기점은 300만.

8. 기타[편집]

스토리 자체는 비현실적이지만 소형 무인기를 활용하거나 자동차를 해킹하는 등 영화 내에서 동원된 수단과 방법들은 대부분 가까운 미래에 충분히 범행 수법으로 실현될 수 있다.

8.1. 예고편에 관해서[편집]

예고편 초반이 모던 워페어 3와 비슷하다.[21]

또한 예고편의 앞부분은 엄청난 CG[22]로 마치 전쟁영화와 SF, 판타지 액션을 방불케 한다. 사실은 주인공 권유의 게임 상황을 재현한 것. 그러나 '예고편만 봐도 스케일이 보인다' 라는 댓글에서 보듯이 신경 써서 만든 티가 난다. 2017년 1월 9일 현재 TV캐스트와 유튜브에 1차 예고편만 풀린 상태이고 지창욱이 등장하는 예고편 예고도 업로드된 상태.여기서도 어김없이 지창욱의 카메라 울렁증은 발동된다. 1차 예고편 보러가기 

예고편 후반부에 의미심장한 장면이 등장한다. CG인지, 아니면 영화에 등장하는 실제 공간인지는 모르겠지만 조직적으로 짜인 사각형들이 빛을 내며 평면에 형성된 공간인데 권유가 이 공간에 있다. 현재로써는 게임과 현실을 링크하는 가상의 공간 썰이 유력한 듯 한데, 만약 2차 예고편에서 또 다시 이 공간이 등장한다면 판타지적인 공간으로 영화의 스케일을 더 크게 하지 않을까 하고 예상해본다.[스포일러]

8.2. 게임 고증과 클랜 이름에 관한 추측[편집]

예고편에서 나오는 게임 화면은 블랙 스쿼드이며, 작중 권유의 게임 아이디는 '권대장'. 클랜 이름은 '레쥬렉션' 이다.

주인공이 게임을 좋아하는 만큼 게임 고증에도 신경을 많이 쓴 것이 예고편에서부터 나타난다. 실제로 피망의 블랙 스쿼드 공식 홈페이지에 들어가 클랜 이름을 검색해보면 레쥬렉션이 나오는데, 클랜장 닉네임이 '레쥬렉션_권대장' 이고 클랜원 수는 50명. '레쥬렉_권대장' 의 계정은 2014년에 개설됐는데 나름 플레이한 시간이 보인다. 예고편을 보고 팬이 만들었다기엔 개설일이 2016년 10월이기 때문에 영화 촬영용으로 블랙 스쿼드 측에 양해를 구하고 만들어진 계정과 클랜이라고 추정된다.

8.3. 영화 내에 등장하는 차량[편집]

흑인 관광객 부부가 청주국제공항으로 출국하기 전 구입 비용(20만원)보다 폐차 비용(40만원)이 많이 든다고 주인공에게 공짜로 양도한 도저히 탈 수 없을 것 같은 수준으로 낡아빠진 똥차마티즈와 주인공을 추격하는 범죄조직 두목 "마덕수"의 고급 외제차 아우디가 많은 비중을 차지한다. 물론 주인공 권유에게 양도된 마티즈는 이후 대대적인 개수를 거쳐 스포츠카에 필적하는 수준의 차량으로 마개조되지만[24]....그 외 변호사 "민천상"이 타고 나오는 자동차는 르노삼성의 SM5역시 똥차이다. 그 외에도 크라이슬러 300,벤츠 S클래스가 등장하기도 한다. 검정색 교도소 구급차의 차종은 1971~1996 쉐보레 체비밴.

간접광고의 영향인지 영화 내에서 아우디의 로고는 상당히 많이 보이나 내용 전개상 비중이 훨씬 높은 마티즈의 제조사 대우자동차의 로고는 코빼기도 안 나온다.대우차 사라졌는데 나와도 될 듯...[25]

자동차 관련 액션씬의 완성도가 상당하다. 후반의 시가도로 추격씬은 영화 초반의 도입 부분과 더불어 몰입도가 대단하다고 호평받는 중.

반면 자동차 관련 액션씬 중 가장 많은 비판을 받는 부분은 주인공이 추적자들을 피해 마티즈로 건물 외벽을 뚫고 달아나는 장면. 중간에 아무리 주인공과 동료들이 공들여 수리했다지만 경차의 대표주자 격인 마티즈가 단단한 고층 건물 외벽을 뚫고 3층 높이에서 떨어졌는데 차량 손상 거의 없이 이후의 추격씬이 전개되는 부분은 상당히 현실성이 떨어진다며 비판받는다. 애초에 이 영화 줄거리가 상당히 비현실적인데

[1] 물론 그런 영화가 한 둘이 아니다.[2] 물론 이런 영화도 한둘이 아니다.[3] Resurrection. 뜻은 (그리스도의)부활[4] 왼쪽부터 용도사, 털보, 여백의 미, 권대장, 데몰리션(잘 보면 권대장 뒤에 있다), 은폐, 엄폐[5] 권대장(지창욱)을 제외하고는 전부 게임 캐릭터를 맡은 배우와 본래 역할을 맡은 배우가 다르다.[6] 참고로 지창욱이 플레이 중이던 게임은 블랙 스쿼드이다.[7] 일명 권유법이라는 성범죄 관련법까지 제정될 정도이다.[8] 아들의 무죄를 주장하는 전단지를 뿌리거나, 법원 앞에서 1인 시위를 하는 등.[9] 마덕수 일당과 난투극을 벌이다 간수들이 나타나자 칼로 배를 찔렀다. 단, 급소를 피해 찔렀는데, 사실 탈옥작전 실행 전에 동료 죄수에게서 급소를 피해서 찌르라는 조언을 들었다. 그렇게 구급차에 실려가던 중, 차내에서 난동을 부려 전복사고를 냈다. 차량 전복 후 달아나려 하다가 간수에게 총이 겨눠지지만, 어째서인지 간수는 권유를 보내준다. 어쨌든 탈옥에 성공.-> 연쇄살인마가 "너 강간살인범 아닌 거 다 알아" 라고 말한 게 떡밥. 아마도 알기에 쏘지 못하고 누명이라도 벗으라며 보내준 것 같다[10] 게임 내 은폐 캐릭터 역을 맡은 배우(?)는 유승옥이다. 스치듯 몇 컷 지나가는데다가 머리스타일이 얼굴을 거의 가려서 알아보는 사람이 거의 없었다고...파일:유승옥-조작된도시.jpg[스포일러1] 이 영화의 최종보스이자 흑막. 사실 권유를 포함한 많은 무고한 이들에게 살인 누명을 씌운 흑막이다.거의 큐배급 심지어 권유를 교도소에서 혼자 접견했던 날, 어머니가 자살했다고 했으나 결국 게임 팀원들의 도움으로 변호사 사무실 내 비밀기지를 용케도 찾아낸 권유와의 대결에서 자신이 권유의 어머니를 권유가 누명을 씌운 것처럼 똑같이 죽였다고 하여 권유의 분노를 폭발하게 했다. 완전히 미쳐버린 사이코패스. 여담으로 민천상의 사무실이 있는 건물은 겉보기에는 20여년 정도 된 낡은 건물로 보이지만 사실 이는 사람들의 눈을 속이기 위한 위장이며, 내부에는 어마어마하게 방대한 정보가 담긴 거대한 컴퓨터가 들어차있다. 권유의 다른 일행들을 인질로 잡는 등 발악해보지만 결국 모든 죄상이 낱낱이 드러나 체포된다. 그리고 감옥으로 들어가 권유가 마덕수에게 당했을때와 똑같이 마덕수에게 당한다사실은 싸움도 못하는데다 그로 인해 잡힌 사람이 추가로 더 들어와서 엄청난 물량공세라 죽는 게 정상이지롱.[12] 사실 변호사가 아니라 변호사로 위장한 악의 조직의 간부 포지션 일수도 있다. 실제로 작중에서 권유를 변호한척 할때 버벅 거리는 걸 보면 삼류 변호사가 대충 변호해도 나아보이는 수준이다.[스포일러2] 사실은 민천상 외에 다른 배후가 있었다. 민천상이 몰락하자 몰래 빠져나가 배후로 보이는 자와 통화하는데 사람은 다시 구하면 된다는 내용이었다. 후속작 떡밥[스포일러3.] 중간에 권유를 잡기 위해 민천상의 사주로 부하들과 함께 출소한다. 마지막에는 다시 잡혀서 교도소로 복귀(?), 자신에게 일을 사주한 민천상을 방법한다(...).[15] 작중 권유가 볼펜을 종이에 말아서 활처럼 만든 도구를 똑같이 따라해서 권유에게 쏘려다가 빗나가 부하의 다리를 쏘고, 결정적인 순간에도 총으로 계속 에먼 곳을 쏘는 덕분에 레쥬렉션 팀원들은 위기를 여러차례 넘긴다.[16] 다른 영화에서 마덕수와 비슷한 성향의 대표적 인물로는 가디언즈 오브 갤럭시의 욘두가 있는데 이쪽은 1편 한정. 2편부터는 주인공 일행으로 전환된다. 명중률은 천지차이.[17] 차종은 1세대 마티즈. 워낙 오래된 탓인지 여기저기 녹이 슬어 있는, 말 그대로 똥차였으나, 아우디 RS7에서 엔진을 몰래 빼돌려 마티즈에 실어 개조(엔진 크기가 맞지 않은 탓인지, 본닛 윗 부분을 도려냈다), 웬만한 스포츠카에도 꿀리지 않는 명차로 거듭난다.[18] 사실은 본인도 탈옥수 신분이라 차를 빌려탈 부탁을 할 겸 도와준 것인데, 권유는 각종 언론에 오르내려 대한민국 사람이라면 거의 다 알만한 범법자이지만 짐이 많은 흑인이기에 자신을 모를 수도 있다는 나름의 짧은 계산도 한 것으로 보인다.[19] 정확히는 흑인 부부가 아니라 흑인 남편. 전방에 검문이 보이고 권유가 불편한 모습을 보이자 흑인 남편이 뭔가 눈치채고 작게 결의하는 듯한 표정이 잠시 화면에 잡힌다. 이윽고 검문관과 마주치자마자 외국어를 마구 남발해대는데 이 와중에 아내가 또 외국어를 남발해댔고 검문관을 당황시켜 얼렁뚱땅 넘기도록 만들어 검문을 무사히 통과한다. 여기서 아내가 외국어를 남발해댄 것은 검문이고 나발이고 그냥 빨리 가야된다고 난리를 친 것.[20] ~ 2017/03/09 기준[21] 설정상 지창욱이 플레이 중이던 게임은 블랙 스쿼드이다.[22] 더 킹이 훨씬 더 우세하다는데, 영화들에는 각각 다른 개성과 특징이 있다. 다른 영화와 비교하는 것은 자칫하면 본 영화에 대한 비방으로 번질 수 있으니 자제하자.[스포일러] 가상의 공간이 아니라 실제 존재하는 공간으로 밝혀졌다.[24] 실제로 2005년 1세대 마티즈가 엔진을 투스카니 엔진으로 교체하고 터보차저를 장착하는 튜닝을 한 뒤, 드래그 레이스에서 포르쉐 911 카레라를 이겼다. 그것도 두번이나. 400m를 14초에 통과한 포르쉐보다 무려 2초 가까이 빨랐다고. 그만큼 차체가 가볍기때문에 투스카니 엔진과 터보차저 만으로도 괴물같은 성능이 나오는데 하물며 출력과 토크가 투스카니의 3배가 넘는 아우디의 고성능 모델 RS7의 엔진을 떼다 달았으니.... 물론 안전성은 그런거 없다링크[25] 상관없는 이야기지만 우즈-대우도 라본으로 사명을 변경했다.

Posted by 신의물방울
카테고리 없음2017. 4. 9. 22:06

Captain America: Civil War

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Captain America: Civil War
Official poster shows the Avengers team factions which led by Iron Man and Captain America, confronting each other by looking each other, with the film's slogan above them, and the film's title, credits, and release date below them.
Theatrical release poster
Directed by
Produced byKevin Feige
Screenplay by
Based onCaptain America
by Joe Simon
Jack Kirby
Music byHenry Jackman
CinematographyTrent Opaloch
Edited by
Distributed byWalt Disney Studios
Motion Pictures
Release date
Running time
147 minutes[1][2]
CountryUnited States
Budget$250 million[3]
Box office$1.153 billion[3]

Captain America: Civil War is a 2016 American superhero film based on the Marvel Comics character Captain America, produced by Marvel Studios and distributed by Walt Disney Studios Motion Pictures. It is the sequel to 2011's Captain America: The First Avenger and 2014's Captain America: The Winter Soldier, and the thirteenth film of the Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU). The film is directed by Anthony and Joe Russo, with a screenplay by Christopher Markus & Stephen McFeely, and features an ensemble cast, including Chris EvansRobert Downey Jr.Scarlett JohanssonSebastian StanAnthony MackieDon CheadleJeremy RennerChadwick BosemanPaul BettanyElizabeth OlsenPaul RuddEmily VanCampTom HollandFrank GrilloWilliam Hurt, and Daniel Brühl. In Captain America: Civil War, disagreement over international oversight of the Avengers fractures them into opposing factions—one led by Steve Rogers and the other by Tony Stark.

Development of Civil War began in late 2013 when Markus and McFeely began writing the screenplay, which borrows concepts from the 2006 comic book storyline "Civil War", while also focusing on story and character elements from the previous Captain America films to conclude the trilogy. Following positive reactions to test screenings of The Winter Soldier, the Russo brothers were brought back to direct in early 2014. The film's title and premise were revealed in October 2014, along with Downey's casting; additional cast members joined in the following months. Principal photography began in April 2015 at Pinewood Atlanta Studios in Fayette County, Georgia, and continued in the Metro Atlanta area before concluding in Germany in August 2015, with the film being the first to use IMAX's digital 2D cameras (for the film's central airport fight sequence). Visual effects were provided by nearly 20 different studios during the post-production process.

Captain America: Civil War held its world premiere in Los Angeles on April 12, 2016, and was released in the United States on May 6, 2016, in 3D and IMAX 3D. The film became a critical and commercial success, grossing over $1.1 billion worldwide, making it the highest-grossing film of 2016 and the 12th-highest-grossing film of all time.


In 1991, the brainwashed super-soldier James "Bucky" Barnes is dispatched from a Hydra base in Siberia to intercept an automobile carrying a case of super-soldier serum. In the present day, approximately one year after Ultron's defeat in the nation of Sokovia at the hands of the Avengers,[N 1] Steve RogersNatasha RomanoffSam Wilson, and Wanda Maximoff stop Brock Rumlow from stealing a biological weapon from a lab in Lagos. Rumlow blows himself up, hoping to kill Rogers. When Maximoff throws the explosion into the sky with telekinesis, it damages a nearby building, killing several Wakandan humanitarian workers.

U.S. Secretary of State Thaddeus Ross informs the Avengers that the United Nations (UN) is preparing to pass the Sokovia Accords, which will establish a UN panel to oversee and control the team. The Avengers are divided: Tony Stark supports oversight because of his role in Ultron's creation and Sokovia's devastation, while Rogers has more faith in his own judgment than that of a government. At a conference in Vienna where the Accords are to be ratified, a bomb kills King T'Chaka of Wakanda. Security footage indicates the bomber is Barnes, whom T'Chaka's son, T'Challa, vows to kill. Informed by Sharon Carter of Barnes' whereabouts and the authorities' intentions to kill him, Rogers tries to bring in Barnes—his childhood friend and war comrade—himself. Rogers and Wilson track Barnes to Bucharest and attempt to protect him from T'Challa and the authorities, but all four, including T'Challa, are apprehended.

Helmut Zemo tracks down and kills Barnes' old Hydra handler, stealing a book containing the trigger words that activate Barnes' brainwashing. Impersonating a psychiatrist sent to interview Barnes, Zemo recites the words to make Barnes obey him. He questions Barnes, then sends him on a rampage to cover his own escape. Rogers stops Barnes and sneaks him away. When Barnes regains his senses, he explains that Zemo is the real Vienna bomber and wanted the location of the Siberian Hydra base, where other brainwashed "Winter Soldiers" are kept in cryogenic stasis. Unwilling to wait for authorization to apprehend Zemo, Rogers and Wilson go rogue, and recruit Maximoff, Clint Barton, and Scott Lang to their cause. With Ross's permission, Stark assembles a team composed of Romanoff, T'Challa, James RhodesVision, and Peter Parker to capture the renegades. Stark's team intercepts Rogers' group at Leipzig/Halle Airport, where they fight until Romanoff allows Rogers and Barnes to escape. The rest of Rogers' team is captured and detained at the Raft prison, while Rhodes is partially paralyzed after being inadvertently shot down by Vision, and Romanoff goes into exile.

Stark discovers evidence that Barnes was framed by Zemo and convinces Wilson to give him Rogers' destination. Without informing Ross, Stark goes to the Siberian Hydra facility and strikes a truce with Rogers and Barnes, unaware they were secretly followed by T'Challa. They find that the other super-soldiers have been killed by Zemo, who shows them footage that reveals that Barnes killed Stark's parents in 1991. Enraged that Rogers kept this from him, Stark turns on them both, dismembering Barnes' robotic arm. Rogers disables Stark's armor and departs with Barnes, leaving his shield behind. Satisfied that he has avenged his family's deaths in Sokovia from the Avengers' actions by irreparably fracturing them, Zemo attempts suicide, but is stopped by T'Challa and taken to the authorities.

In the aftermath, Stark provides Rhodes with exoskeletal leg braces that allow him to walk again, while Rogers breaks his allies out of the Raft. In a mid-credits scene, Barnes, granted asylum in Wakanda, chooses to return to cryogenic sleep until a cure for his brainwashing is found. In a post-credits scene, Parker tests a new gadget.


The leader of a faction of Avengers against regulation;[5][6] a World War II veteran who was enhanced to the peak of human physicality and frozen in suspended animation, before waking up in the modern world.[7][8] Director Anthony Russo described Captain America's character arc in the film as taking "him from the most ra-ra company man" to someone who is "a somewhat willing propagandist" to "an insurgent" at the end of the film.[9] Unlike the comics' Civil War, the film was never going to kill Rogers, as the directors thought that was "an easy ending ... The more difficult and more interesting place to leave a family fight is: can these important relationships ever be repaired? Is this family broken permanently?"[10]Evans' training regime to get in shape for the role included weight lifting, which consisted of "the classic bodyweight and bodybuilding stuff", gymnastics and plyometrics, while staying away from cardio-based exercises, along with a high-protein diet.[11] His costume in the film received "subtle changes to all the details and cut" as well as its color, becoming a combination of the stealth suit from Winter Soldier and the Avengers: Age of Ultron suit.[12]
The leader of a faction of Avengers in support of regulation;[5][6] a self-described genius, billionaire, playboy, and philanthropist with electromechanical suits of armor of his own invention.[13][14] Anthony Russo said that Stark's egomania allowed the writers "to bring him to a point in his life where he was willing to submit to an authority, where he felt it was the right thing to do." Joe Russo added that because of the visions Stark saw in Age of Ultron, he now has a guilt complex which "drives him to make very specific decisions," calling his emotional arc "very complicated".[9] Downey's personal trainer Eric Oram stated that the trick to pitting Rogers against Stark, "is to show Iron Man using the 'minimum force' necessary to win the fight".[15] Marvel initially wanted Downey's part to be smaller, but "Downey wanted Stark to have a more substantial role in the film's plot." Variety noted that Downey would receive $40 million plus backend for his participation, as well as an additional payout if the film outperformed The Winter Soldier, as Marvel would attribute that success to Downey's presence.[16]
An Avenger allied with Stark;[5][6] formerly a highly trained S.H.I.E.L.D. spy.[17] Anthony Russo noted her torn allegiances in the film, saying "her head is with Tony's side of things, but her heart is with Cap in a lot of ways."[9] Johansson added that Romanoff is "looking to strategize her position, putting herself in a place where she is able to let the powers that be fight it out" in order for her to "have a better perspective of what's really going on."[18] Describing her character's situation after the events of Avengers: Age of Ultron, Johansson said, "I think that the Widow's past will always haunt her. She's trying to move forward, she's trying to pick up the pieces of her life."[19] She also said that Romanoff is at a point in her life where she can make choices herself, without having others have a hand in the decision process.[20] On the continuation of the relationship between Romanoff and Rogers from The Winter Soldier, Joe Russo said that they wanted to "test it" by having Romanoff point out to Rogers the mistakes the team have made and convince him "that it might not be as black and white as he sees it" and that the Avengers must "find a way to work within the system so that [they] aren't disbanded."[9]
A physically enhanced brainwashed assassin allied with Rogers;[5][6] his best friend who reemerged after being thought killed in action during World War II.[21][22][23] This portrayal is an amalgam of Barnes and the Winter Soldier, with Stan saying, "here's the guy when you merge the two. This is what came out. To me, he's never really going to be Bucky Barnes again. There's going to be recognizable things about him, but his path through the [experiences of] Winter Soldier is always going to be there, haunting him."[24] Because of this, the character has more lines in the film than in Winter Soldier.[25]
An Avenger allied with Rogers;[5][6] a former pararescueman trained by the military in aerial combat using a specially designed wing pack.[26] Wilson is aided by a robotic drone named Redwing.[27] Discussing the relationship between Wilson and Rogers, Mackie said, "With Falcon and Cap, what's so great is there's a mutual respect. There's a soldier respect. What's great about ... [Captain America: Civil War] is you get to see their relationship grow,"[28] adding, "He respects and admires Cap because Cap earned his rank as opposed to sitting in an office and just delegating orders."[29] Joe Russo stated that the inclusion of Barnes to Rogers' side forces Wilson to question the dynamic and relationship he has with Rogers going forward.[9]
An Avenger allied with Stark;[5][6] an officer in the U.S. Air Force who operates the War Machine armor.[30]Cheadle called Rhodes' appearance in the film a "bit more intense and pivotal" compared to his previous appearances.[31]
A master archer allied with Rogers;[5][6] a retired Avenger and S.H.I.E.L.D. agent.[12][32] On Barton's reasons for joining Rogers' side, Renner said, "Cap was the first guy who called. Let's just get the job done so I can get home to the family,"[29] along with feeling an obligation to side with Scarlet Witch, since her brother, Pietro Maximoff / Quicksilver, sacrificed himself to save Barton in Avengers: Age of Ultron.[33] On how he and Barton fit into the Marvel Cinematic Universe, Renner said, "I'm happy to be the ensemble. I'm not scratching or clawing to do a solo movie by any means ... I think [Barton's] a utility guy that can bounce around into other people's universes a little bit".[34]
The prince of the African nation of Wakanda allied with Stark.[5][6][35][36][37] Producer Kevin Feige explained that the character was included "because we needed a third party. We needed fresh eyes who wasn't embedded with the Avengers and who has a very different point of view than either Tony or Steve." T'Challa is in the "beginning phases of taking on" the Black Panther mantle,[38] and appears in more than a cameo, with a full arc and character journey with "his own conflict and his own people that he's looking out for."[39] Boseman did not audition for the role, instead having a "discussion about what [Marvel] wanted to do and how I saw it and what I wanted to do."[40] T'Challa is torn between needing to live up to traditions and the legacy of his father and Wakanda, and how things need to happen in the present.[39] Boseman developed the Wakandan accent himself, and used it during the entire production "whether he was on camera or not",[10] while the Wakandan language was based on the Xhosa language, which Boseman was taught by John Kani (who plays T'Challa's father T'Chaka).[41] The Black Panther costume is a combination of a practical costume and visual effects, featuring a vibranium mesh weave similar to chainmail.[9] Costume designer Judianna Makovsky called the Black Panther costume "difficult" since "you needed sort of a feline body, but it’s hard and practical at the same time. You needed a feeling of some sort of ethnicity in there, but of a world [Wakanda] we weren’t really creating yet, so you didn’t want to go too far and say too much about that world." Additionally, Makovsky felt creating T'Challa's royal look was "a bit of a challenge", avoiding African robes after learning actual African royalty are generally "educated in the West [and] get dressed in Savile Row."[42] Boseman has a five picture deal with Marvel.[43]
An android and Avenger allied with Stark;[5][6] created using the artificial intelligence J.A.R.V.I.S. and the Mind Stone.[30] Because the Vision was only created in the previous film, Age of Ultron, Bettany said, "you see my character get born... He must be both omnipotent and yet totally naive at the same time. And experiencing the world in real time and his place in it. Is he going to be a force of good or a force of evil?"[44] Bettany also said he was interested in exploring "what it means to be human and what love is" with the character, as "The only way one can guarantee one's loyalty is love."[45] This is exhibited in the connection Vision begins to form with Wanda Maximoff, with Bettany commenting, "They both have these new burgeoning powers that they don’t understand ... I think he’s worried that they’re both dangerous. So he feels this real connection with her."[46] As the Vision has the ability to create a projected disguise, he chooses to dress similarly to Howard Stark's attache, Edwin Jarvis.[12]
An Avenger allied with Rogers;[6][47] she can engage in hypnosis and telekinesis.[48] According to Olsen, the character is "coming into her own and starting to understand and have conflict with how she wants to use her abilities."[49] As such, Maximoff's costume was "relatively casual" and "more clothes-based than superhero-based" according to Makovsky, since the Russos believed Maximoff was not a full-fledged Avenger yet.[50] When asked about the relationship between her character and the Vision compared to the comics, Olsen said, "You learn a little bit more about what connects [Scarlet and Vision] in this film. And I think there's some really sweet moments between Paul and I, and it's more about how they relate to one another and their similarities just based on their superpowers."[51]
A former petty criminal allied with Rogers;[5][6] he acquired a suit that allows him to shrink or grow in scale while also increasing in strength.[30][52][53] Rudd's suit "is streamlined and more high-tech" from the one seen in Ant-Man.[12] Ant-Man director Peyton Reed had discussed the character and the way that the Ant-Man production had shot certain sequences with the Russo brothers, saying, "As we were doing [Ant-Man] and we were in post and they were getting ready to head out to Atlanta to do Civil War, we had a lot of conversations ... It's important because there's this continuity that has to happen in this universe."[54] On the decision to have Lang grow in size to become Giant-Man in the airport battle, Feige said, "It was just a great idea to turn the tide of the battle in a huge, shocking, unexpected way. We have a lot of ideas for [Ant-Man and the Wasp], none of which are contingent upon revealing Giant-Man, so we thought this would be the fun, unbelievable unexpected way to do that."[55] Anthony Russo added that the transformation was the continuation of Lang's character arc from Ant-Man, saying "He's just really impressed with Captain America, he just wants to deliver and he figures out a way to deliver where he might actually tear himself in half but he's willing to do it and it works."[56]
A former agent of S.H.I.E.L.D. and Peggy Carter's niece, who now works for the CIA and supports Rogers.[5][6][57][58] VanCamp stated that her character sides with Rogers because they both have "similar moral compasses".[59] On a potential relationship between Rogers and Carter as in the comics, Evans said, "he's certainly open to it. Sharon is obviously relevant, but ... we don't have to tie it up in one movie. So they have time."[20] VanCamp added, "We get to explore... I can't say we are going to that extent of it, but they are certainly getting to know each other."[59]
A teenager allied with Stark;[60] he received spider-like abilities after being bitten by a genetically altered spider.[61][62][63][64] Feige said that Parker would be torn between superhero ideologies, saying, "Does he want to be like these other characters? Does he want nothing to do with these other characters? How does that impact his experience, being this grounded but super powerful hero? Those are all the things that Stan Lee and Steve Ditko played with in the first 10 years of his comics, and that now we can play with for the first time in a movie."[65] On aligning with Stark, Anthony Russo said that, despite entering the conflict after the two factions have formed and not having much political investment, Parker's choice comes from "a very personal relationship" he develops with Stark.[60][66] The Russos hoped "to take a very logical and realistic and naturalistic approach to the character" compared to the previous film portrayals. Anthony Russo added that the character's introduction had to fit "that specific tonal stylistic world" of the MCU, as well as the tone established by the directors in Winter Soldier, saying, "It's a little more grounded and a little more hard-core contemporary." That was "coloring our choices a lot" with Parker.[67] On the Spider-Man suit, Joe Russo described it as "a slightly more traditional, Steve Ditko influenced suit," and that the film would explore the way the suit operates, particularly the mechanical eyes.[68] Holland chose not to read the whole Civil War script in order to avoid potentially leaking plot information publicly.[69] He is signed on for at least three films, not including his Civil War appearance.[70] Holland later expanded, saying he was signed for "three Spider-Man movies and three solo movies".[71]
Former commander of S.H.I.E.L.D.'s counter-terrorism S.T.R.I.K.E. team, who was revealed to be an agent of Hydra. On returning to the character, Grillo said "He's a badass. He is just vicious. I like the idea that it's no holds barred. I was 15 pounds bigger when I did Cap 2, and I'll put another 15 pounds on to do Cap 3."[72]However, he cautioned that "This movie is such a big movie with a lot of people in it, so you don't get as much of the time that you'd like to have."[73] Grillo stated that Rumlow's main objective in the film is to seek revenge—"Whatever Rumlow was feeling as far as being torn between which side he should be on, which I think he was, is gone now."[74]
The United States Secretary of State and former U.S. Army general dedicated to capturing the Hulk.[27][30] Hurt, on returning to the MCU after appearing in The Incredible Hulk, said, "I don't think it's a reprise, I think it's a new iteration completely,"[75] adding, "what [the writers have] done is they've taken a character ... and made a new version... a more modernized style."[76] Joe Russo added that Ross was the perfect character to use because he has "a fanatical anti-superhero point of view" and has "become much savvier and more political and has put himself in a position of power, not unlike a Colin Powell. He's cornering the Avengers politically now, he's out-maneuvering them." Joe also added that Ross was included because the Russos felt it was important to make The Incredible Hulk "relevant again within the [MCU]" since it "may have been forgotten about a little bit".[9]
A Sokovian colonel-turned-terrorist who is obsessed with defeating the Avengers. Zemo, who goes by multiple names in the film,[61] does not wear his signature mask from the comics. Brühl said the version appearing in the film is "loosely connected" to the character from the comics and that was a reason he liked Marvel, as "some of the characters and things they're dealing with always reference to current events so my character is from a different area than you would think."[78] Feige described the character as "very much a product of the [Marvel] Cinematic Universe and all that has occurred within that universe up to this point",[61] while Anthony Russo called him "an everyman. His approach was: I’ve seen these guys fight enough to know I can’t win. But what I can do is figure out ways to undermine them. He’s emotionally driven and he finds a weak spot."[10] Brühl, who was cast due to his German accent, did not feel the role was a stereotype, saying, "It's not a guy who's mean and sinister, but he's actually very clever—a very smart guy who does everything out of a very understandable reason and motivation."[79] Brühl also stated that Zemo may re-appear in future MCU films,[78] with Moore adding that, while Zemo has a purpose in this film, it is more to set up a future film.[80]

Additionally, John Slattery and Kerry Condon reprise their roles as Howard Stark and the voice of F.R.I.D.A.Y. from previous MCU films.[81][82] Martin Freeman is introduced as Everett K. Ross, a member of the Joint Counter Terrorism Center and a character associated with Black Panther in the comics.[83][84] Freeman described Ross as someone who "works for the American government ... [and] works in conjunction with the superheroes, and certain agencies that help to tame the superheroes' power".[85] Feige added that Ross would appear briefly in the film, with the intent being to expand on the character's role in future films.[61] Marisa Tomei appears as May Parker, Peter Parker's aunt;[86] John Kani appears as T'Chaka, father of T'Challa and ruler of Wakanda;[81] Hope Davis appears as Maria Stark, Tony Stark's mother;[87] Gene Farber appears as Vasily Karpov, the Hydra official who oversaw the Winter Soldier program;[88] and Florence Kasumba portrays Ayo, a member of T'Challa's Dora Milaje.[89] Alfre Woodard, who portrays Mariah Dillard in the MCU TV series Luke Cage, briefly appears in the film as Miriam Sharpe, the mother of an American citizen killed in the battle of Sokovia. Woodard was suggested for the role by Downey before Marvel Studios learned of her casting in Luke Cage.[90] Jim Rash appears as a faculty member at MIT,[91][92] while Stan Lee makes a cameo appearance as a FedEx deliveryman,[92][93] and co-director Joe Russo cameos as Theo Broussard, a psychiatrist murdered by Zemo.[88][94] Damion Poitier, who appeared as Thanos in The Avengers before Josh Brolin was cast in that role for subsequent films, appears as one of Crossbones' mercenaries.[88]



This is the Civil War of the Cinematic Universe, which will be greatly inspired by the "Civil War" of the comic universe, but we have a very different continuity going on ... It's not about the secret identity thing, as much as it is about, overall, who reports to who, and who can agree to [an] oversight committee. Because as of now, in [Age of Ultron], there is no more security council, there is no S.H.I.E.L.D., obviously. Stark is paying for [the Avengers], Captain America is running it, and things occur that will make governments begin to question.

Kevin Feige, President of Marvel Studios[95]

In March 2014, Anthony and Joe Russo confirmed that they had signed on to return as directors for a third Captain America film, along with Chris Evans as Captain America, Kevin Feige as producer, and Christopher Markus and Stephen McFeely as screenwriters.[8][96] Markus and McFeely had been working on the screenplay since late 2013,[97]while the Russo brothers began work in February 2014.[98][99] The re-hiring of the directors, three months before the release of Captain America: The Winter Soldier, came as a result of Marvel executives being impressed with test screenings of that film.[8]

In an April 2014 interview, Joe Russo described the project as a continuation of the story from Captain America: The Winter Soldier: "What’s nice about the film is that ... it's a two-parter. There's a journey that the Winter Soldier goes on that isn't complete yet."[100] That month, Marvel announced a release date of May 6, 2016,[101] and Trent Opaloch, who was the cinematographer on The Winter Soldier, said he would return for the sequel.[102] In July, Markus and McFeely stated that they were midway through a first draft for the film, on which principal photography was expected to begin in April 2015.[103] The following month, they stated that they were looking to make the tone of the film "an amalgam" of The First Avenger and The Winter Soldier,[104] with the Russos likening it to a psychological thriller, citing SevenFargo, and The Godfather as influences,[6] along with westerns and Brian De Palma's films.[80] The Russos also stated that "a good portion of [Civil War is] actually funnier than Winter Soldier" with a more comedic tone and lighter moments throughout.[105]

In August 2014, the Russos stated that the film would be set "a couple years" after The Winter Soldier, and would continue to focus on Steve Rogers' relationship with Bucky Barnes as well as the political themes related to Captain America. Anthony stated, "The character was invented for an explicitly political purpose. So it's hard to get away from that nature." The Russos also said that they would be "bringing some new elements to the table that will give us a twist on Winter Soldier",[106] and indicated that filming was scheduled to begin in Atlanta. They described themselves as "ecstatic" with a first draft of the screenplay submitted by Markus and McFeely, and also stated that the film's title would be announced "in a month or so at most", and that the concept and title for the film came from Feige, who had it "for a while".[98][107] In September, Joe expanded by saying the film would have another "big idea that alters the universe as a whole in some way" similar to S.H.I.E.L.D. falling in The Winter Soldier. The rest of the film, such as the characters, story, and tone, would be left open to the Russos' and writers' interpretations.[107]


By October 2014, Robert Downey Jr. had entered final negotiations to reprise his role as Tony Stark / Iron Man in the film. Downey was added in order for the film to adapt the 2006–07 "Civil War" comic book storyline written by Mark Millar, which pitted Iron Man against Captain America.[16] At the end of the month, it was confirmed that Sebastian Stan would return as Bucky Barnes / Winter Soldier.[21] A few days later, Marvel revealed that the film would be titled Captain America: Civil War, confirming Downey's appearance and announcing that Chadwick Boseman would appear in the film as Black Panther ahead of his own solo film.[13][35][36] Feige also confirmed that the film would be the first in the MCU's Phase Three slate of films.[95] Anthony Russo stated that adapting the "Civil War" storyline was not always the intended storyline and direction for the film when the brothers initially signed on to return as directors.[108] Markus expanded on this, saying the original concept for a third Captain America film "never got to draft", with Feige at some point telling the writing team to begin adapting "Civil War" around their original ideas. McFeely also added that, despite the shift in direction for the film, "The central theme, even the way Zemo is operating, are from that [early] iteration."[109] The Russos revealed that, had negotiations with Downey to appear in the film failed, they would have used the Madbomb storyline from the Captain America comics, which was eventually used as a plot point in the first season of the Agent Carter TV series. The premise for the film would have centered on Zemo detonating the Madbomb, which would "turn hordes of people into berserkers" to present a physical threat to Captain America, while still pitting heroes against each other, as some would be zombified due to the Madbomb, to satisfy an "emotional component" for the film.[110]

McFeely said that the idea of basing a film on "Civil War" had "been on and off the table for a while" at Marvel Studios, explaining, "it's a challenge to do it and make sure that all the characters that we've established, and everyone's established in the MCU are serviced and sound correct. Because there's a difference between the characters in "Civil War", which was written in 2006, 2007. The MCU doesn't exist [when it was written]. There isn't a Robert Downey, Jr. or Chris Evans who has helped create the character[s] so we need to make sure that that template gets adjusted".[111] Joe Russo added that the "essence" of "Civil War" was used, such as "the concept of registration, the notion that heroes need to be either monitored or controlled because their power can be scary" being applicable. Anthony Russo expanded, "in a lot of ways [superhero registration] can be a political issue, and we didn't want the conflict of the movie to solely exist on that level. We wanted to figure out very personal reasons why everyone's relationship to this idea of registration is going to become complicated. That's what the relationship between Steve and Bucky allowed us to do, to get very personal in terms of why people would lean one way or the other."[9] Executive producer Nate Moore added that "it felt like it was kind of the right time" to adapt "Civil War" given The Avengers, plus many of the Phase Two films (Thor: The Dark WorldThe Winter Soldier, and Avengers: Age of Ultron), all dealt with "world-ending experiences. We felt like we had to tell the next step in that story, which is ... what is the world's reaction?"[6]

In November 2014, Daniel Brühl joined the ensemble cast in an unspecified role,[26][112] while Anthony Mackie and Frank Grillo were confirmed to return as Sam Wilson / Falcon and Brock Rumlow / Crossbones, respectively.[26][72]Following the November 2014 hacking of Sony Pictures' computers, emails between Sony Pictures Entertainment co-chairman Amy Pascal and president Doug Belgrad were released stating that Marvel wanted to include Spider-Man (whose film rights are licensed to Sony) in the film, but talks between the studios concerning this were believed to have broken down.[113] However, in February 2015, Sony Pictures and Marvel Studios reached a licensing deal for the use of Spider-Man in an MCU film,[114] and reports indicated that the character would indeed appear in Civil War.[115][116] The Russos stated they were lobbying for months to include the character in the film.[105] In January 2015, Mackie revealed that, in addition to Atlanta, filming locations would include Puerto Rico and Berlin,[117] while the Russo brothers confirmed that Scarlett Johansson would return in the film as Natasha Romanoff / Black Widow.[17] Editor Jeffrey Ford, who worked on The Winter Soldier, also signed on for Civil War.[118] In March 2015, Jeremy Renner was revealed to be reprising his role as Clint Barton / Hawkeye.[32] The next month, it was revealed that the film would be converted to 3D in post-production,[119] and that Brühl would be playing Helmut Zemo.[77]Additionally, Elizabeth Olsen revealed she would reprise her role in the film as Wanda Maximoff / Scarlet Witch.[48]


Film set for Captain America: Civil War in Downtown Atlanta

Principal photography began on April 27, 2015,[119][120] in Fayette County, Georgia at Pinewood Atlanta Studios,[121] under the working title Sputnik.[122]Other filming locations in the Atlanta metropolitan area included the Buckhead district of Atlanta;[123] the Peachtree Christian Church in Midtown Atlanta;[124] Downtown Atlanta,[125] including an area near Philips Arena known as The Gulch, which served as the market in Lagos;[126] Norcross, Georgia;[123] Porsche's headquarters in Atlanta at Aerotropolis Atlanta, which served as the Avengers' headquarters in the film;[29] and the Atlanta Civic Center, which served as the IBID (Infection Disease Development) laboratory in Lagos; the latter's interiors doubled as MIT, and a third part was used for a Berlin location.[126] Trent Opaloch served as director of photography,[102] while Chad StahelskiDavid Leitch, and Spiro Razatos were second unit directors.[127]

In early May, Marvel announced that Martin Freeman was cast in an unspecified role,[83] while also reprising roles in the film would be Paul Bettany as VisionDon Cheadle as James Rhodes / War MachinePaul Rudd as Scott Lang / Ant-ManEmily VanCamp as Sharon Carter, and William Hurt as Thaddeus "Thunderbolt" Ross, respectively.[30][57]Samuel L. Jackson, who appeared as Nick Fury in the two previous Captain America films, said he was "surprised" to discover that he would not be in Captain America: Civil War, after "the Russo Brothers told [him he] was."[128]Moore stated that Fury was not included "because he didn't add anything to the Civil War story they were telling",[80] while Markus stated that they did not want him to choose any particular side because "that's not his place in the universe".[129] On each of the character's ties to the plot, Anthony Russo said that each character was examined on a personal level to see how they would respond to the idea of registration.[9] On the portrayal of each character, Joe Russo said that he and his brother had strong "emotional" and "psychological connection[s] to [these] characters" as children, adding, "We want to reach into that and understand what elementally motivated you to love the character. That's what we try to bring out in the characters now." He also mentioned that they were "trying to honor the feeling of naturalism and to honor the feeling of reality [with the film]."[67]

After the reveal of the film's full cast, many outlets and fans began referring to the film as "Avengers 2.5 ", given the variety and ensemble nature of the cast, usually reserved for the Avengers films, and the fact that the film no longer felt like a Captain America-centric one, as with The Winter Soldier.[130][131][132][133][134] In response to this, Feige said, "What's fun about Civil War though is, as you know from the comics, it's a very simple story. And it really has to be, to accommodate that many players. It's very much a Captain America movie and it's very much a sequel to the Winter Soldier in ways I don't think people [will expect].... It's a very simple structure that allows you to have these amazing character interactions in a way that I don't think becomes overwhelming."[135] Feige also revealed that Hope van Dyne / Wasp was in an original draft of the film, after receiving the Wasp costume at the end of Ant-Man, but was cut because "there are so many characters in Civil War that we didn't want to do her a disservice," saying Marvel was "saving" the character for a better environment to reveal van Dyne in the Wasp costume for the first time and see "her dynamic with Scott [Lang] in a way it could play out".[136]

At the end of May, the Russo brothers, along with Feige and Pascal, held a screen test in Atlanta for six teenage actors that were being eyed for the role of Peter Parker / Spider-Man, with the actors testing against Downey and Evans for "chemistry";[70][108][137] Tom Holland was cast as the character the next month, to also appear in a solo film.[62] The Russos "were pretty vocal about who we wanted for the part", pushing to cast an actor close to the age of Peter Parker in the comics, in order to differentiate from the previous portrayals. They also praised Holland for having a dancing and gymnastics background.[61] At the time, Marvel did not confirm his involvement in Civil War,[63][138] due to being contractually obligated not to talk about his inclusion publicly.[61] The Russos discussed this, saying that the various business deals and agreements stemming from the sharing of the character rights, such as on a promotional and commercial level, "were always lagging slightly behind how we were using the character. We were always in danger of upsetting the deal—there were still sensitive issues going on between the two studios that they needed to agree on."[139] Holland was confirmed to appear in the film in July 2015, by Jonathan M. Goldstein, one of the writers of the solo Spider-Man film,[64] and later by Entertainment Weekly from a set visit.[61]Jon Watts, director of Spider-Man: Homecoming, was on set for the filming of Spider-Man's scenes, in order to "see what they were doing with it, and that informed where we eventually took it," and provide "ideas about this and that."[140] Anthony Russo stated that, despite Marvel telling them to have a "plan B" should the deal with Sony fail, the Russos never created one because "it was very important to us to reintroduce" Spider-Man in the film, adding, "We only have envisioned the movie with Spider-Man."[141]

By the end of June, filming reached the halfway mark,[142] with production moving to Germany in early August.[143]Filming locations in Germany included the Olympic Stadium in Berlin,[144] and the Leipzig/Halle Airport in Schkeuditz.[145] Additional filming also took place in Puerto Rico and Norway,[30][117][146] and was scheduled to in Iceland.[30] Principal photography wrapped on August 22, 2015.[147][148]

Captain America: Civil War was the first film to use IMAX's digital 2D cameras, made in partnership with Arri, which was a customized version of the Arri Alexa 65. According to Joe Russo, approximately fifteen minutes of the film, the sequence where the two factions fight at Leipzig/Halle Airport, which was described as having "incredible scale to it" and referred to by the directors as the "splash panel", were shot with the cameras.[53][119] Opaloch noted that there were discussions late in pre-production to shoot the entire film with the Alexa 65 cameras. However, because of how close it was to the start of shooting as well as the idea being "such a large-scale undertaking", it was decided to only use them for the airport sequence, with the rest of film being shot on Arri Alexa XT digital cameras. For the airport sequence, Opaloch rigged the Alexa 65s to a Technocrane, a Steadicam, a dolly as well as a drone for flyover shots, which had its own dedicated team operating it. Because of the amount of resolution the Aleax 65s offered, Opaloch chose to use medium close-ups instead of close-ups, and for his wide shots, hold the shot a bit longer, "maybe with a slight camera move that allows the viewer to take it all in."[149]


In September 2015, Mark Ruffalo, who plays Bruce Banner / Hulk in the MCU films, stated that his character was originally in the Civil War script, but was removed due to the end of Age of Ultron, as Marvel did not "want to reveal where [he is] and why" in this film.[150] Markus added that as soon as the Hulk joined a side, the fight would be quickly over, saying, "You've got to kind of choose your roster [of characters] depending on what kind of fight you want to have."[61] He later explained that he contemplated having the Hulk appear at the very end of the film, but decided against it, feeling that he was over-stuffing the film with characters, adding, "[The Hulk] has clearly gone somewhere at the end of [Age of] Ultron, and that's a story. Don't blow it off and put it in a little tiny chunk just to put in a little extra filigree on our movie."[151] Additionally, Ross' alter ego, Red Hulk, was also considered for inclusion, but the Russos felt that part of the character would need a proper backstory which they could not afford to give in the already crowded film. They felt that Ross "was there sort of as the government's agenda and not to add another complicated super powered character to the mix." Spider-Man's Iron Spider suit was also considered.[152]

That November, Joe Russo stated that the theme of the film was betrayal, calling it "extremely emotional. [The film] hinges on that emotion, and on a very personal level we didn't want [it] to become about politics and people arguing about platitudes. The third act is built around a very personal moment between [Captain America and Iron Man]."[9] The Russos spent a great deal of time with Markus, McFeely, and Moore to ensure each character's emotional arc tracked through the entire film correctly, though realized that at some point "you have to sacrifice logic for expediency".[80] Speaking about the post-production process in January 2016, the Russo brothers said, "This has been the easiest post process we've ever had on a film. We're very happy with how the movie was. Everyone is very happy with where the movie was. For us, the tricky thing is the effects because it's a very complicated movie and there are some really big sequences in the film. The effects are on a much larger scale than the work we did on Winter Soldier. That's the part that becomes really difficult because you don't have a lot of time and everyone has very high standards. So everyone starts killing themselves at this point...we'll be done with the movie in two and a half months."[105] They also stated that the film would be doing "a few reshoots" in mid-to-late January.[105][153]

In February, Freeman's character was revealed to be Everett K. Ross,[84] and Gwyneth Paltrow was reported to have joined the film for the January reshoots, reprising her role as Pepper Potts;[154] however, in April 2016, it was revealed that Paltrow does not appear in the film,[155] with Anthony Russo explaining that Paltrow's contract with Marvel had ended after Iron Man 3, and "we decided early on that we could make Pepper’s break-up [with Tony Stark] have an emotional impact without actually having a scene with her."[10] On March 16, 2016, the Russo stated the film was "about a week and a half away from" completion,[156] with Joe adding that the film would have a post-credits scene, with the possibility for two or three total.[68] The film was completed on April 4, 2016.[157] Later in April, Alfre Woodard and Jim Rash were revealed to be cast in the film,[91] while Feige explained that Black Panther director Ryan Coogler contributed some dialogue for Black Panther in several scenes during reshoots.[158] At the film's premiere, it was revealed that Marisa Tomei appears in the film as May Parker, Peter Parker's aunt.[86]

Original (top) and postvisualization (bottom) shots of the fight scene at Leipzig/Halle Airport

Nearly 20 visual effects studios worked on Captain America: Civil War including Industrial Light & Magic (ILM), Lola VFX, Method StudiosLuma PicturesDnegImage EngineTrixterCinesite, and The Third Floor amongst others. Lola VFX de-aged Downey Jr. in a scene that involved a younger holographic version of himself. Lola VFX's visual effects supervisor, Trent Claus said, "In this case, we analyzed footage of Mr. Downey at the approximate age that we wanted to target, which was around the time of the film Less Than Zero [when Downey was in his early 20s]." He also noted the difficulty of the scene, due to it being close to 4,000 frames, and the fact that Downey was moving his head from side to side multiple times. Lola also worked on visual effects for the Vision.[146] The Third Floor extensively previsualized the film including the fight scene at Leipzig/Halle Airport. Gerardo Ramirez, the Previs and Postvis Supervisor for The Third Floor said:

We visualized most of the major scenes in the film, some that were more story driven and some that were more action and story driven. The Russos used various methods for planning and they used each department for what it does best. The early edits were a combination of storyboards, previs and stunt performance clips. Stunts would choreograph the hand-to-hand action while the storyboards would be used for character story moments and previs was used for the big action scenes that involved many digital characters.[146]

Method Studios, which worked on 440 shots, was responsible for the helicopter sequence in the middle of the film and the climatic fight between Iron Man, Bucky, and Captain America. The original intent for the helicopter sequence was to place the scene next to the Paul-Löbe-Haus, where the Bundestag meets; however, the location was not allowed to be shown in the film, resulting in Method needing to create a full CGI background. For the climatic fight, one of the challenges for Method was getting the color of Iron Man's suit correct, opting to go with a more "classic Iron Man look versus the really glossy car paint look" that Iron Man had in the previous Avengers films. ILM was primarily responsible for the visual effects during the large-scale fight sequence at the airport, along with creating the digital assets for all of the characters. VFX supervisor Russell Earl, stated that the 20 minute scene grew to be an almost fully digital sequence explaining, "We ultimately ended up replacing 99% of everything that was shot with the actors being lifted from the background. Originally both Spider-Man and Black Panther were planned to be photographed elements but we ended up almost completely replacing them." Luma Pictures, who also worked on Winter Soldier, was assigned with completing shots of Bucky's arm and his metal brainwashing chair. They also worked on Bucky's escape from the task force lobby and designed Iron Man's new hybrid nanotechnology armor, which was an homage to the character's Bleeding Edge armor from the comics. Their work totaled approximately 200 shots.[146]

Design firm Sarofsky once again worked on the film's main-on-end title sequence, having done the same for Winter Soldier. The sequence used "muted and mottled, burnt umber and steel blue and cold grey" colors, which were stark contrasts to the sequences for Winter Soldier and The First Avenger (the later created by Method Design) which were "a minimalist graphic approach, reducing the key players to silhouettes and paring the palette down to three colors" and "vibrant and iconic propaganda art comes to life, enticing the viewer to join the fray", respectively. Creative director Erin Sarofsky noted one of the challenges for Civil War's sequence was "to make it feel like a Captain America title sequence and not an Avengers sequence" given the amount of characters in the film.[159]


Henry Jackman returned from Winter Soldier to score the sequel.[160] He found the movie to be tonally different from the previous one, which necessitated a much more symphonic and orchestral score. This culminates in the final fight between Captain America, Winter Soldier, and Iron Man, the music for which Jackman described as "somewhat operatic and ... almost classical in its style".[161] Though Jackman reprised and developed his themes for Captain America and the Winter Soldier from the previous film,[162][163] and introduced motifs for the new characters Spider-Man, Black Panther, and Zemo,[161] he was wary of pushing the audience to one side of the central conflict or the other by using character-specific music; Jackman composed a new main theme for the film to represent the Civil War, "a generic theme to balance everything out",[164] "toward which all the characters can gravitate. It wrapped them all up and it helped to bind the movie together rather than do endless disparate themes."[165]Jackman also wrote a thriller theme that appears whenever the mystery surrounding Zemo's plan is explored. This was inspired by the works of Jerry Goldsmith.[162] The score was released on a soundtrack album by Hollywood Records on May 6, 2016.[166]


Premiere of Captain America: Civil War at the Marina Bay Sands in Singapore

Captain America: Civil War premiered at the Dolby Theatre in Hollywood on April 12, 2016,[167] and was screened at CinemaCon 2016 on April 13.[168]The film's Southeast Asia premiere was held on April 21 at the Marina Bay Sands resort in Singapore,[169] while the European premiere took place at Vue Cinemas in Westfield London on April 26.[170] The film was released internationally starting from April 27,[171] releasing in 61 countries its first weekend,[172] including the United Kingdom on April 29.[173] The North America release on May 6,[101] took place in over 4,200 theaters, of which 3,300 were in 3D, along with 378 IMAX theaters, 480 premium large-format, and 161 D-Box locations.[174] Internationally, the film opened in 955 IMAX theaters,[175] while South Korea saw Civil War open in an "unprecedented" 1,989 theaters.[176] In September 2014, TNT acquired the cable broadcast rights for Captain America: Civil War to air two years after its theatrical release.[177]


In early July 2015, Marvel began a viral marketing campaign for Ant-Man featuring Leslie Bibb, reprising her role from the Iron Man films as journalist Christine Everhart, reporting for the faux news program, WHIH Newsfront. In one program, Everhart discusses events leading to Captain America: Civil War.[178] The post-credits scene for Ant-Man featured footage shot by the Russo brothers for Captain America: Civil War,[179][180] showing Wilson and Rogers with Barnes in their custody, and unable to contact Stark because of "the accords"; Wilson mentions that he "know[s] a guy", implying Lang.[181] Feige explained that when the post-credit sequence appears in Civil War it may appear with "different takes...different angles."[179] Stan said the scene was shot in early May 2015, and would appear in the middle of Civil War.[25] The first footage of the film debuted in August 2015 at the D23 Expo.[27]Additional footage was shown in September 2015 at the Asia Pop Comic Convention.[182] The footage shown at the D23 Expo and 2015 Asia Pop Comic Convention received an overwhelmingly positive response from the audiences.[183]

The first trailer for the film debuted on Jimmy Kimmel Live! on November 25, 2015, and within hours became the number one trending topic on Twitter.[184] The trailer was viewed 61 million times in the first 24 hours of release, surpassing the 34 million views of Avengers: Age of Ultron's in 2014.[185] Scott Mendelson of Forbes called the trailer a "doozy" and noted that the early debut ahead of the release of Star Wars: The Force Awakens was a "good show" on behalf of Disney as it was "a way to not get lost amid the 8,000 other trailers debuting with Star Wars". Mendelson also noted that based on the trailer's content, the film was being "sold as Captain America 3, as opposed to Avengers 2.5 or Iron Man 4," which could help keep the film's box office expectations in check.[186]

On February 4, 2016, Marvel released their own version of the Facebook "#FriendsDay" video for Captain America. The video mirrors those created by Facebook for users to celebrate the anniversary of Facebook's founding, and features images of Captain America's "friends" the Winter Soldier, Thor, Falcon and Hawkeye. The video concludes with an image of Captain America and Iron Man being torn in half. Jennifer Konerman of The Hollywood Reporter called the video "timely" and its contents "especially relevant considering the storyline" of Civil War.[187] Three days later, a teaser debuted during Super Bowl 50, which received the most social media activity out of all the film trailers released that day.[188][189] Anthony Breznican of Entertainment Weekly said the footage "actually feels a little more like a teaser [than a full trailer], since it shows some new shots, but really doesn’t reveal much more about the story." Additionally, he felt the chanting "unseen voices calling out, 'United...We...Stand' and 'Divided...We...Fall'" had "a football stadium vibe", complimenting it appearing during the Super Bowl.[190] Mendelson added that Marvel did not need to follow the model used for The Winter Soldier during Super Bowl XLVIII of showing a longer trailer after the teaser since Civil War was "frankly [a] higher-profile sequel." Overall, Mendelson felt the spot was "only a little less low-key and small(er)-scale as the trailer that debuted in" November 2015, and sold the "real world" aspect "with character drama and mostly real-world action between would-be superheroes."[191]

Four days later, on Valentine's Day, the Facebook campaign was continued, with Marvel creating a "faux-status update" for Captain America, showing his relationship status had changed to "In a Complicated Relationship with Iron Man".[192] At The Walt Disney Company's annual shareholder meeting in the Auditorium Theatre in March, CEO Bob Iger presented a clip from the film to "generous applause".[193] From March 7 to March 10, Marvel released individual posters for characters in the film,[194] continued its Facebook campaign with two teaser videos showcasing the participants on "Team Cap" and "Team Iron Man", and released a second trailer.[195] The trailer was viewed close to 95 million times within the first 24 hours of release, surpassing the views achieved by the first trailer. In addition, 240,000 social media posts across Twitter, Tumblr, Instagram, and Facebook, among others, were made related to the trailer, surpassing the 81,000 the Age of Ultron trailer received in 2014.[196] According to internet analytics firm ZEFR, the trailer was viewed over 62 million times from YouTube and Facebook over four days, making it the second most viewed trailer at the time, behind the 64.6 million views for the first Star Wars: The Force Awakens trailer.[197] It also became the top trailer in 2016 through March 13, 2016, according to research firm ListenFirst, for receiving the most likes, retweets and other engagement on Twitter.[198] The trailer continued to be the top viewed trailer on YouTube and Facebook for three straight weeks according to ZEFR, receiving more than 96 million total views since its release.[199]

Mendelson called the trailer "a textbook case for unnecessary second pitches...Is there anyone out there who watched that first teaser back in December and said 'Hmm, it looks good and all, but I need more evidence'?" He added that he was "a little disappointed by the big Spider-Man reveal,"[171] having previously wondered, after a Spider-Man character poster was not released with the others, if Marvel would have the "courage" to not include the character in any marketing materials before the film's release, letting the "Peter Parker scenes the film has to offer be something that is a surprise for theatrical moviegoers and/or something that drives post-opening weekend buzz".[194] Mendelson's colleague at Forbes Mark Hughes felt differently, noting that the trailer was targeting the general audience rather than just fans by giving "us more explanation [and context] of why a clearly major battle is raging between Captain America and Iron Man",[200] and by including Spider-Man since "there are plenty of surprises in these movies, and since we all already know Spider-Man is in Civil War, refusing to let us see him would frankly be a bit weird and pointless ... it's common for average filmgoers to hear some final bit of information or see some final image and feel compelled, inspired, or otherwise driven to go out to the movies that day. There are any number of factors that can come into play...and the world needed to see [Spider-Man] because it’s the sort of value-added element that can make [a] difference".[201] Graeme McMillan of The Hollywood Reporter felt that the Spider-Man reveal "alone makes the trailer", describing it as feeling "like the comic book character come to life. That awkward, voice-cracking, 'hey everyone' was as humble, playing-it-cool and cocky as he should be."[202]

With the film seemingly continuing plot threads first introduced in Age of Ultron, Mendelson wondered "to what extent the whole 'Consequences galore!' narrative of Civil War will improve Age of Ultron. As much great stuff as that movie has ... [it ultimately shows] the main hero foolishly/recklessly [bring] a world-killing threat to Earth and lots of really bad stuff goes down and yet no one seems to care at the end ... What does it mean if Civil War does retroactively improve Age of Ultron? Will we be at a point where we really can’t judge a franchise installment on its own merits because a future installment may well fix the flaws a couple years down the line?"[171] McMillan continued some of Mendelson's thinking, feeling that Marvel was "in an awkward place with Civil War" regarding superhero destruction moving forward. He wondered how superhero oversight would "actually prevent the kind of destruction that it's meant to stop ... unless the bad guys all agree to play by the new rules" as well. "Worse still ... the destruction caused by superhero fights [should now be] foremost in viewers' heads ... the audience won't be able to enjoy the sight of the Hulk smashing a random minion through a wall without thinking of the property damage and/or whoever was standing on the other side of that wall. After Civil War, can Marvel go back to pretending that everyone is okay after any large scale event ever again?"[202]

Also in March, Marvel, in partnership with the National Academy of Sciences Science & Entertainment ExchangeDolby LaboratoriesBroadcom, and Synchrony Bank, announced the "Girls Reforming the Future Challenge", aimed at females aged 15 through 18 in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics education) fields, to submit projects they feel can change the world and have far-reaching effects. Five winners would attend the world premiere at the Dolby Theatre, and receive a tour of Walt Disney Studios and a $500 saving account from Synchrony Bank, with one grand prize winner receiving an internship at Marvel Studios.[167] On April 10, Evans debuted an exclusive clip of the film during the 2016 MTV Movie Awards.[203] Throughout the month, the Russo brothers and the cast promoted the film in Paris, Beijing, Singapore, Berlin and London.[204] At the end of the month, Marvel released additional viral marketing videos of WHIH Newsfront, featuring Bibb once again reprising her role as Everhart. In the program, Everhart discusses with "political analyst" Will Adams, portrayed by Al Madrigal, the cost the Avengers bring for saving the world, and if they should have regulation from the government.[205]Additional Newsfront segments saw William Sadler reprise his role as President Matthew Ellis, including an "exclusive" interview and his reaction to the incident involving the Avengers in Lagos.[206][207] On May 2, 2016, Evans, Renner, and executives from Marvel rang the opening bell of the New York Stock Exchange in honor of the film's theatrical release.[208]


At the 2015 Licensing International ExpoDisney Consumer Products announced that they would partner with licensees including HasbroLegoFunkoHot Wheels, Rubies, Mad Engine, C-Life, Jay Franco, Global Brand Group, Kellogg'sHallmark and American Greetings to sell merchandise related to the film;[209] Coca-Cola,[210] GoogleSamsungWrigleyHarley DavidsonAudi, Synchrony Financial, PringlesKeeblerPizza HutPop SecretMouser Electronics, and Vivo, among other brands, were also licensees for the film.[211] Paul Gitter, senior VP of licensing for Marvel at Disney Consumer Products said that they will build off the success of licensed products for Avengers: Age of Ultron, including a focus on a celebration of Captain America's 75th anniversary, female apparel, healthy living and travel, and on marketing newer characters such as War Machine, Falcon, Vision, Black Widow and Black Panther. "The Avengers team is both aspirational and hugely merchandisable, made up of multiple, unique heroes coming together with amazing skills, cool vehicles and a high tech headquarters," said Gitter. "Captain America: Civil War not only gives us new storytelling for our favorite superheroes, but also introduces new ones allowing us to expand product lines for kids and fans."[209] As part of the $200 million marketing effort for the film, Harley Davidson created two customized motorcycles for the film, Audi debuted a commercial directed by the Russos featuring unreleased scenes from the film, while Pizza Hut debuted collectible boxes and Kellogg's, Pringles, and Keebler products featured virtual reality experiences. The lead-up to the film's release culminated in a massive online vote across Google, YouTube, and Twitter for either Team Captain America or Team Iron Man.[211]

Marvel Comics released a four-issue comic prelude by writer Will Corona Pilgrim and artist Szymon Kudranski, beginning in December 2015, that adapted the events of Iron Man 3 and Captain America: The Winter Soldier.[212]On February 10, Marvel Comics released another comic prelude, a single-issue infinite comic set between The Winter Soldier and Civil War.[213] Written again by Pilgrim, the comic is told from the perspectives of Barnes, Rumlow, and Rogers, showing how each ended up where they begin Civil War. Art for each character's perspective is provided by Lee Ferguson, Goran Sudžuka, and Guillermo Mogorron, respectively.[214]

Home media[edit]

Captain America: Civil War was released on digital download by Walt Disney Studios Home Entertainment on September 2, 2016, and on Blu-rayBlu-ray 3D and DVD on September 13, 2016. The digital and Blu-ray releases include behind-the-scenes featurettes, audio commentary, deleted scenes, a blooper reel, and an exclusive preview of Doctor Strange.[215] The digital release comes with an exclusive "mockumentary" short film, Team Thor, directed by Thor: Ragnarok director Taika Waititi, which was originally screened at San Diego Comic Con 2016 and showed what Thor was doing during the events of Civil War.[216]


Box office[edit]

Captain America: Civil War grossed $408.1 million in the U.S. and Canada and $745.2 million in other territories, for a worldwide total of $1.153 billion.[3] By May 10, 2016, the film had grossed $737.8 million, surpassing the entire theatrical gross of its predecessor, Captain America: The Winter Soldier ($714.4 million).[217] It became the highest-grossing film of 2016,[218][219] the fourth-highest-grossing superhero film of all time,[220] and the third-highest-grossing film in the U.S. and Canada of 2016, behind Rogue One and Finding Dory.[221] Deadline.com calculated the net profit of the film to be $193.4 million, when factoring together "production budgets, P&A, talent participations and other costs, with box office grosses and ancillary revenues from VOD to DVD and TV," placing it eighth on their list of 2016's "Most Valuable Blockbusters".[222]

United States and Canada[edit]

Two weeks ahead of its release, Fandango announced that the film outsold all previous Marvel Cinematic Universe films at the same point in the sales cycle,[223] and by its opening week, had reached the highest advance sales for a superhero film, representing 90% of the site's weekend ticket sales.[224] Captain America: Civil War earned $75.5 million on its opening day. The film's Friday gross included $25 million from Thursday previews, the second-highest Thursday preview gross among Marvel films, with $3.1 million of the $25 million coming from IMAX theaters, a new Marvel record. The film went on to earn $61.2 million on Saturday and $42.4 million on Sunday, for a total opening weekend gross of $179.1 million, the third-highest for a Marvel film and fifth-highest of all time. Of the $179.1 million, $16 million was from IMAX, the second best for an MCU film.[225] Initial projections for Captain America: Civil War had it earning between $175–200 million on its opening weekend,[226][227] with the projection being revised to $172–178 million after Friday.[225] BoxOffice called it "the safest box office bet" since Star Wars: The Force Awakens.[228] The film remained at number one in its second weekend,[229] and fell to second in its third, behind The Angry Birds Movie.[230] In its fourth weekend, Captain America: Civil War became the highest-grossing film of 2016 in North America,[231] and by June 17, 2016, became the first film of 2016 to surpass $400 million.[232]

Other territories[edit]

Captain America: Civil War's opening in 15 countries on April 27, 2016, earned $14.9 million,[172] followed by $23.8 million the next day from 15 more countries, and $45.3 million two days later from 8 additional countries, for a three-day total of $84 million.[233] Its first weekend brought a total of $200.4 million,[175] after being projected to earn anywhere between $180–250 million,[234] with $9.4 million coming from IMAX. The film debuted at number one in all countries except Japan.[175] The film stayed at number one in its second weekend, earning $217 million, with existing territories seeing a 55% decline in earnings, while surpassing the entire international earnings of previous Captain America films, along with other MCU films. For IMAX in its second weekend, Captain America: Civil War earned $31 million, a new record for a day-and-date opening for a Marvel film.[235] By its third weekend, the film remained at number one in some territories, being overtaken by The Angry Birds Movie in others, and became the top film of 2016 and fourth-highest-grossing superhero film outside of North America.[236]

It set records for the largest opening day in Mexico ($7.3 million),[233] opening day of 2016 in France ($2.4 million),[172] the second-largest opening day in Brazil ($2.7 million)[233] and the United Arab Emirates,[235] the largest superhero opening day in the Netherlands,[233] and the largest superhero opening in Turkey and Ukraine.[235] It set opening weekend records in Brazil ($12.9 million), Mexico ($20.4 million), and the Philippines ($7.7 million), and was the second-largest opening weekend in Hong Kong ($6.9 million) and Thailand ($9.4 million). In the United Kingdom, the film earned the second-largest opening day and weekend of 2016 with $20.5 million, while France had the top 2016 opening weekend with $10.1 million. Germany had the best four-day opening of 2016 with $8.1 million, and Spain had the second-largest three-day opening of 2016 with $4.2 million.[175] For South Korea, the film was the largest non-Korean opening and largest Marvel opening in history.[176] China had the second best IMAX opening ($9.5 million), as well as the second-largest opening weekend for a Hollywood film ($95.6 million),[235] with the film eventually becoming the third-highest Disney release in the country after 10 days,[236] and the second largest superhero film.[220] Japan saw the film open third with $4.2 million, behind Detective Conan: The Darkest Nightmare ($5.3 million) and Zootopia ($4.8 million).[237] The film's largest markets were China ($190.4 million), South Korea ($62.8 million), and the United Kingdom ($53.2 million).[238]

Critical response[edit]

The review aggregator website Rotten Tomatoes reported a 90% approval rating based on 335 reviews, with an average rating of 7.6/10. The website's critical consensus reads, "Captain America: Civil War begins the next wave of Marvel movies with an action-packed superhero blockbuster boasting a decidedly non-cartoonish plot and the courage to explore thought-provoking themes."[239] Metacritic, which uses a weighted average, assigned a score of 75 out of 100 based on 52 critics, indicating "generally favorable reviews".[240] Audiences polled by CinemaScore gave the film an "A" grade on a scale of A+ to F.[225]

Justin Chang of Variety called it "the most mature and substantive picture to have yet emerged from the Marvel Cinematic Universe."[241] Sheri Linden of The Hollywood Reporter said, "Call it 'civil war' or call it brand extension; call it a 'cinematic universe' or a corporate behemoth—the latest Marvel extravaganza furthers the studio's cross-pollination of action franchises in a way that's sure to satisfy devotees."[242] Robbie Collin of The Daily Telegraph wrote, "This is the cinematic superhero showdown you've dreamt of since childhood, precisely because that's everything—and all—it wants to be."[243] Catherine Shoard of The Guardian called it, "a huge aspartame rush of a film: a giant irresistible snack, not nutritious, but very tasty."[244] Richard Roeper of the Chicago Sun-Times wrote, "Kudos to co-directors Anthony and Joe Russo and the team of writers for juggling more than a dozen comic-book characters and nearly that many plot lines, and only occasionally getting us (and by us I mean me) lost in the geek weeds."[245] Kenneth Turan of the Los Angeles Times said, "If you live and breathe Marvel, this is one of the MCU's stronger offerings. If you are a spy coming in from the cold, the answer is not so clear."[246] A. O. Scott of The New York Times wrote, "Captain America: Civil War does not in any way transcend the conventions of the genre. On the contrary: It succeeds because it doesn't really try."[247]

Conversely, Stephen Whitty of the New York Daily News said, "Although it's called Captain America: Civil War, the latest Marvel movie is actually a supersized Avengers picture—overstuffed to bursting. And sometimes during its two and a half hour running time, it just goes bust."[248] Mick LaSalle of the San Francisco Chronicle said, "As a work of thought, Civil War is compromised, but at least there are thoughts to compromise. As an action film, it has its moments, but aside from the big opening sequence—the action scenes are a bit flat."[249] Andrew O'Hehir writing for Salon said, "Much of Captain America: Civil War is just the laborious working-out of leftover dangling plot elements from Captain America: The Winter Soldier two summers ago."[250] While Nicholas Barber of BBC gave the film a generally favorable review, praising both its visuals and action sequences, he criticized the fact that there was "no cogent reason for any of [the Avengers] to be on one side or the other, which is why their inevitable dust-up feels like a game of dodgeball in a school playground."[251] Mark Millar, writer of the "Civil War" comic storyline on which the film was based, felt the film "had a good opening twenty [minutes], but then I honestly can’t remember what the movie was about." He also felt the film lacked levity, especially considering the Russo brothers' background in comedy.[252]


2016Teen Choice AwardsChoice Movie: Sci-Fi/FantasyCaptain America: Civil WarWon[253][254]
Choice Movie Actor: Sci-Fi/FantasyChris EvansWon
Robert Downey Jr.Nominated
Choice Movie Actress: Sci-Fi/FantasyScarlett JohanssonNominated
Choice Movie: ChemistryRobert Downey Jr.Scarlett JohanssonDon CheadlePaul Bettany and Chadwick BosemanNominated
Chris EvansSebastian StanAnthony MackieElizabeth Olsen and Jeremy RennerNominated
Choice Movie: LiplockChris Evans & Emily VanCampNominated
Choice Movie: VillainDaniel BrühlNominated
Choice Movie: Scene StealerChadwick BosemanNominated
Tom HollandNominated
Critics' Choice AwardsBest Action MovieCaptain America: Civil WarNominated[255]
Best Actor in an Action MovieChris EvansNominated
Best Actress in an Action MovieScarlett JohanssonNominated
2017People's Choice AwardsFavorite MovieCaptain America: Civil WarNominated[256]
Favorite Action MovieCaptain America: Civil WarNominated
Favorite Movie ActorRobert Downey Jr.Nominated
Favorite Movie ActressScarlett JohanssonNominated
Favorite Action Movie ActorChris EvansNominated
Robert Downey Jr.Won
Favorite Action Movie ActressScarlett JohanssonNominated
Screen Actors Guild AwardsOutstanding Performance by a Stunt Ensemble in a Motion PictureCaptain America: Civil WarNominated[257]
Annie AwardsOutstanding Achievement, Character Animation in a Live Action ProductionCaptain America: Civil War - Spider-Man - Steve Rawlins, Ebrahim Jahromi, Cedric Lo, Stephen King, and Yair GutierrezNominated[258]
NAACP Image AwardsOutstanding Supporting Actor in a Motion PictureChadwick BosemanNominated[259]
Outstanding Directing in a Motion PictureAnthony and Joe RussoNominated
Kids' Choice AwardsFavorite MovieCaptain America: Civil WarNominated[260]
Favorite Movie ActorRobert Downey Jr.Nominated
Chris EvansNominated
Favorite Movie ActressScarlett JohanssonNominated
Favorite Butt-KickerChris EvansWon
Scarlett JohanssonNominated
Favorite FrenemiesChris Evans & Robert Downey Jr.Nominated
#SQUADChris EvansRobert Downey Jr.Scarlett JohanssonSebastian StanAnthony MackieDon CheadleJeremy RennerChadwick BosemanNominated
Empire AwardsBest Male NewcomerTom HollandNominated[261]
Best ThrillerCaptain America: Civil WarNominated
Best Costume DesignCaptain America: Civil WarNominated
Best Visual EffectsCaptain America: Civil WarNominated
Saturn AwardsBest Comic-to-Film Motion PictureCaptain America: Civil WarPending[262]
Best DirectorAnthony and Joe RussoPending
Best ActorChris EvansPending
Best Supporting ActorChadwick BosemanPending
Best Supporting ActressScarlett JohanssonPending
Best Performance by a Younger ActorTom HollandPending
Best EditingJeffrey Ford and Matthew SchmidtPending
Best Production DesignOwen PatersonPending


According to Feige, Civil War is the conclusion of the Captain America trilogy that began with The First Avenger.[263]While it is the final standalone Captain America film in Evans' contract with Marvel Studios,[264] Evans stated in September 2015 that he was open to extending his contract past Avengers: Infinity War and its sequel, the final films on his contract at the time.[265]


  1. Jump up^ As depicted in the 2015 film Avengers: Age of Ultron.[4]


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External links[edit]

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